General presentation

UConn Algebra Seminar

I organize the Algebra Seminar in the Mathematics Department at UConn.
The seminar usually meets Wednesdays 11:15am-12:05pm Eastern time in Monteith's Room 313, during the "standard" academic year: Fall and Spring semesters.

The Algebra group has diverse interests. The larger subgroups are Algebraic Number Theory / Arithmetic Geometry and Representation Theory. Other members research in Algebraic Combinatorics or in Algebraic Geometry. Because of this range, we ask our speakers to please keep the first 5 minutes of their talk accessible to a wide algebra audience.

The seminar room is the only room with blackboards in the department, and it has plenty of them. The room is also equipped for slide presentations either from your device, or through a document camera.

We take outside speakers to lunch after the talk, but for ease of reimbursement we usually ask them to pay and then submit the receipts or request per diem on their reimbursement forms.

Visitors and guests can park in the North Garage or in the closer, but also more crowded South Garage.
See for more information about payments in the kiosks, or via app.

For long distance speakers, we may organize remote talks. We use the WebEx platform. You can either install it for free from or once you have the meeting link you can directly open it from your browser.