Schedule for current semester

Fall 2024


Date Name Affiliation Title
August 29 Kyu-Hwan Lee, Álvaro Lozano-Robledo, and Ralf Schiffler University of Connecticut Faculty introductions
September 4 Linli Shi University of Connecticut On higher regulators of Picard modular surfaces
September 11 Mihai Fulger University of Connecticut Reading geometric invariants from Newton-Okounkov bodies
September 18 Linli Shi University of Connecticut Regularized periods of some Eisenstein series
September 25 Yaacov Kopeliovich University of Connecticut Generalizations of Teitelbaum's lambda function to super-elliptic Mumford curves
October 4 (on a Friday) Steven Creech Brown University Bounds on Hecke Eigenvalues over Quadratic Progressions and Mass Equidistribution on Cocompact Surfaces
October 9 Julia Bernatska University of Connecticut Explicit computation of characteristics quantities of non-hyperelliptic curves
October 16 Marcella Manivel University of Minnesota Automorphic Differential Operators and Zeros of Zeta
October 23 Feliks Rączka Institute of Mathematics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
October 30 Griff Elder University of Connecticut Recent results in (local, additive) Galois module theory
November 6 Barinder Banwait Boston University TBA
November 13 Michael Chitayat Chitayat Consulting
November 20 Benjamin Oltsik University of Connecticut TBA
November 27 Thanksgiving No meeting
December 4 Grant Moles Union College TBA